Our Lay Ministers complete additional study and pass an adjudication in order to be certified. Lay Ministers are recognized as having significantly more knowledge about our Church and Tradition as well as knowing where to direct someone looking for information or services outside their training. Lay Ministers are qualified to lead Full Moon and Sabbat Rituals in the absence of a clergyperson.

     From the Coordinator:

     Anyone interested in finding out more about the Lay Ministry program may write to Rev. gerry at the Church’s Houston office for information. The program takes work to complete, but those who have completed it have a great knowledge of the Rowan Tree’s beliefs and functions. They are definitely prepared to represent the Church.

     We continue observing the morning of the third Sunday each month as Lay Ministry Sunday Circle. This allows the Lay Ministers to prepare and present materials for a discussion, in preparation for having their own communities for ministry, where they will be expected to hold Sunday Circles for their local Members.

     Blessings, Rev. gerry Beyerl, Lay Ministry Coordinator

     Lay Ministry Sunday Circles are listed here on our community page in Facebook.